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Copyright Rules of KS Studios

100. No one is allowed to use anything that is on any website that has been made by anyone on the KS Studios team.

If you are unsure if a website was made by KS Studios or anyone on it, it will have their symbol, the crown, somewhere on the website, and there should also be other evidence, like the copyright lable at the bottom of the page.

101. If you wish to use something from one of the websites make by KS Studios, or someone on KS Studios team, you must first ask permission from KS Studios Director Bradley Kmet.

102. If you fail to follow any KS Studios copyright rules, KS Studios reserves the right to ban anyone from using this site.

103. Any original songs created by KS Studios, or a KS Studios team member, is prhibited from being used in any way, shape, or form, unless otherwise noted, and written permssion is established by either KS Studios or the individual of KS Studios who created the song.

104. Any youtube videos that may be used on this site, or on the KS Studios youtube channel, is strictly prohidited in any way, shape, or form, unless otherwise noted by KS Studios, and written permission is established.

105. KS Studios reserves the right to report anyone who breaks any of the KS Studios copyright rules.

106. Anything that is claimed the property of KS Studios that is Copyrighted is prohibited from being used by any KS Studios Fan, or non-KS Studios fan, unless written permission is established, signed both by the Director and Co-director of KS Studios. Some of the property that KS Studios owns is the following: KS Studios website; the Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter website; Original Songs by any KS Studios cast and crew; KS Studios Youtube chanel. The listed are only some of the things that are copyrighted by KS Studios.

107. Anyone that is not a KS Studios fan is prohibited from using anything that is copyrighted by KS Studios with minor execptions.

KS Studios Cast and Crew Policy

100. Any personal questions about family or friends is prohibited from being asked to any KS Studios fans by any KS Studios cast or crew, unless otherwise noted by the KS Studios fans, stating that it is alright. If this rule is not followed by any KS Studios cast or crew, the viewers of KS Studios reserve the right to report them the the director of KS Studios, Bradley Kmet.

101. All KS Studios cast and crew are strictly prohibited from trying to set up a meeting with, or any personal relationship, with any KS Studios veiwer, UNLESS the veiwer is know to the cast or crew, and lives within the same town as them.

102. All KS Studios cast and crew members have the right to report anyone from this site that may have broken one or more of the KS Studios copyright rules.

103. KS Studios viewer's names must stay anonymous if they told us their name for anything, unless otherwise told by the viewer.

104. KS Studios cast and crew must not say anything negative to any KS Studios Viewer.

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